I C B needs your help.

The ICB is working to support local residents in need

Thank you Bowie! We raised more than $6K as well as clothes, shoes, and school supplies for the families. In addition to the recent condo fire, another Bowie family was displaced by fire. The youngest son remains in John Hopkins with burns covering more than 70 percent of his body. The family has set up a GoFundMe to help them cover the rising costs of their medical expenses. Anything you can do to assist would be a blessing.

The ICB continues to look for ways to be a force for good in the community. We have a number of grants and programs that we offer and any support you can provide is greatly appreciated!

Donate online by clicking below


Or mail check or gift cards to:
Interfaith Coalition of Bowie
6710 Laurel-Bowie Road
Unit 1091
Bowie, MD 20718


What the Community Says

  • Gratitude

    We are so grateful to have partnered with Interfaith Coalition of Bowie. Since beginning Garden Club, our students have shown to be so much more joyful, kind and loving towards one another.

  • Thank YOU!

    Who knew that things like yoga and meditation would change the way that my family and I communicate with each other! We have certainly developed a practice that’s rooted in grounding and understanding. And when we can’t find the words, we understand the importance of taking break and coming back to.

  • So Much Fun!

    it brings such relief to know that organizations like this exist. Feeling welcomed into a community despite ones racial, social or religious background is so important for me as a person of color. And I feel so seen, protected and loved being amongst this group of people.



“Love Thy Neighbor” is more than a scripture it is a practice.


Your donations support programming that provides resources to members of underserved communities.

Interfaith Coalition of Bowie is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit committed to bridging the gap between State and County resources and the needs of our diverse community. We are a direct response to the 2020 dual crises of social injustice and the offset of a global pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus.

Fatal police shootings continue to increase. Black people are three times more likely to die at the hands of police brutality than members of any other race.




In 2021, out of 365 days there were 189 days that police killed Black people resulting in 266 deaths.


1 in 4

1 in 4 American Jews say they experienced antisemitism in the last year.



“The function of freedom is to free someone else.”

— Toni Morrison

Equality matters because…


Inequality threatens long- term social and economic development, harms pov- erty reduction and destroys people’s sense of fulfilment and self-worth.*


Public services have a massive effect on increasing the well-being and opportunities of those on the lowest incomes - for example, by reducing the cost of university education for those who cannot afford it, and increasing the supply of good affordable housing.*

*poverty and social exclusion

Equality matters because human beings are creatures that thrive in societies where we are treated more as equals than as being greatly unequal in mental ability, sociability or any other kind of ability. Inequalities harm the rich as well as the poor. *

*danny dorling


Making a donation is a way of reaching out a helping hand. By providing even a small donation, you can be part of an effort to provide communal resources to minorities who’s needs are often overlooked and forgotten.
